Increase in Lung Cancer Cases Among Non-Smokers Noted




closeup photo of cigarette butt
closeup photo of cigarette butt

Lung cancer has long been associated with smoking and predominantly affected male smokers. However, there is a concerning trend emerging - the face of this disease is changing. Lung cancer is now becoming the fourth most common cancer affecting females in Malaysia, with a significant increase among non-smokers.

Traditionally, lung cancer has been strongly linked to smoking, and the majority of cases were diagnosed in long-term smokers. However, recent studies have shown that an increasing number of lung cancer cases are occurring in non-smokers, particularly among women.

The Changing Face of Lung Cancer

Historically, lung cancer has been viewed as a disease primarily affecting male smokers. This perception has been reinforced by public health campaigns and media portrayals. However, the reality is that lung cancer can affect anyone, regardless of gender or smoking history.

While smoking remains the leading cause of lung cancer, there are other risk factors at play. Exposure to secondhand smoke, environmental pollutants, and occupational hazards can all contribute to the development of lung cancer in non-smokers.

It is important to note that non-smokers who develop lung cancer often face unique challenges. The disease may be diagnosed at a later stage, as they may not have been routinely screened for lung cancer. Additionally, the symptoms of lung cancer in non-smokers may be less recognized or attributed to other causes, leading to delayed diagnosis and treatment.

The Rise of Lung Cancer Among Women

One notable trend in the changing face of lung cancer is the increasing incidence among women. Lung cancer has traditionally been more prevalent in men, but the gap is narrowing. In fact, lung cancer is now the fourth most common cancer affecting females in Malaysia.

There are several reasons why women may be more susceptible to lung cancer. Biological factors, such as hormonal differences, may play a role. Additionally, women may be more likely to be exposed to secondhand smoke, both at home and in public spaces.

Furthermore, changing societal norms and marketing strategies have contributed to an increase in smoking among women. The tobacco industry has targeted women with advertising campaigns that promote smoking as a symbol of independence, sophistication, and empowerment. As a result, more women have taken up smoking, leading to a rise in lung cancer cases.

Prevention and Early Detection

While the rise of lung cancer among non-smokers, especially women, is concerning, there are steps that can be taken to prevent and detect the disease early.

First and foremost, quitting smoking remains the most effective way to reduce the risk of developing lung cancer. This applies to both smokers and non-smokers who are exposed to secondhand smoke. It is never too late to quit smoking and improve lung health.

Secondly, reducing exposure to environmental pollutants and occupational hazards can also help lower the risk of lung cancer. This may involve taking precautions at work, such as wearing protective masks or ensuring proper ventilation.

Regular check-ups and screenings are crucial, especially for individuals at higher risk, such as long-term smokers or those with a family history of lung cancer. Early detection can significantly increase the chances of successful treatment and improved outcomes.


The changing face of lung cancer, with an increasing incidence among non-smokers, especially women, is a cause for concern. While smoking remains the leading cause of lung cancer, it is important to recognize and address other risk factors that contribute to the disease.

By raising awareness, promoting smoking cessation, and encouraging early detection, we can work towards reducing the impact of lung cancer on individuals and communities. It is crucial to support and empower those affected by lung cancer, regardless of their smoking history, and strive for a future where this disease is no longer a leading cause of cancer-related deaths.